Join the matching challenge

A generous group of donors has offered to match ALL Annual Fund donations, dollar for dollar, up to $30,000, through June 30. This means that any donation you make now will be DOUBLED! Don’t miss a chance for your gift to go even further and contribute to the Annual Fund today!

With your support, the AIA can continue to bring the world of archaeological discovery to advocates like you.

2025 Annual Meeting Updates

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held January 2-5 in Philadelphia, PA. The meeting theme is “Archaeology and the Environment.” Once the post-meeting survey is completed, we will determine the structure and format of the 2025 conference, along with registration categories and rates. Updated information will be posted as it becomes available!

Uncovering Easter Island Special Offer!

Uncovering Easter Island
We know you loved Uncovering Troy and Uncovering Pylos, the previous publications in the Archaeological Institute of America’s Uncovering series. We are excited to bring you the newest edition, Uncovering Easter Island. Now, you can receive all three Uncovering publications with a minimum donation of $75.

Museum and Book Recommendations

Looking to visit a museum?
The AJA website keeps a list of current and upcoming museum exhibitions happening around the world. Check it out before planning your next museum visit. They also offer museum and book reviews that you can read and explore.

AIA Student Affairs Interest Group

Did you know that the Archaeological Institute of America has a Student Affairs Interest Group that all student members are welcome to be a part of?

The Student Affairs Interest Group (SAIG) is open to anyone with an interest in the expansion of opportunities for student participation and professional development within the AIA, the promotion of student scholarship, and the facilitation of dialogues between the student membership and other members of the organization through its various programs and initiatives.

Annual Appeal

2025 Annual Meeting

Uncovering Publication Special Offer

AJA Museum and Book Reviews

Student Affairs Interest Group

AIA e-update

The latest news and important announcements from AIA HQ are highlighted in the e-Update, our monthly email newsletter. Subscribe to the e-Update to stay connected with everything going on at the AIA.

become a member

When you join the Archaeological Institute of America, you’ll be joining a group of individuals passionate about archaeology, protecting the world’s cultural heritage, and disseminating archaeological research.

support us

The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.

Archaeology Magazine

ARCHAEOLOGY has been published continuously for 75 years by the Archaeological Institute of America, which is dedicated to supporting archaeological inquiry and to fostering the pursuit of knowledge about human heritage. The July/August 2024 issue of ARCHAEOLOGY features excavations of the locales where Alexander the Great spent his youth. Other stories include the discovery of Roman poison seeds, finding the sanctuary of a Persian water goddess, and manufacturing rubber in Mesoamerica.

American Journal of Archaeology

The AJA has set the standard for respected scholarship of Mediterranean archaeology since 1885. The July 2024 issue contains articles examining a white-ground cup found in northwestern Anatolia, the history of House M8A at Dura-Europos, excavations in the ancient city center of Sardis, and a mason’s mark on Naxos. Open-access content includes analyses of feminine sacrificial attendant figures on the Column of Trajan and of an architectural graffito in Attica, a review of an exhibition exploring lamps and artificial light in ancient Rome, and a letter from the Museum Reviews Editor.

AIA 2023 Calendar

Explore the world of archaeology with the Archaeological Institute of America’s “A Year of Archaeology” calendar. Each month of the 2023 calendar features an archaeological photo from the AIA’s Photo Contest. All proceeds benefit the AIA’s Site Preservation Program.

interactive Digs

Follow an excavation project as it happens. Interactive Digs are an opportunity to see an excavation unfold in real time. Archaeologists post regular updates from the field, answer questions, and describe life on a dig.

AIA tours

Travel with an engaging and informative AIA Tours lecturer, plus trip managers and local guides. Each well-paced itinerary offers ample time at each site. By traveling on an AIA Tour you directly support the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) while personally gaining the benefit of the AIA’s network of scholars and worldwide contacts.

field projects

Interested in participating in an archaeological project? The AIA has resources for people looking to get into the field through the Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin (AFOB).