January 25, 2019
The Archaeological Institute of America is pleased to announce our 2019 Award Winners.
The AIA held its 2019 Awards Ceremony, on the evening of Friday, January 4, at the 120th Annual Meeting in San Diego, California. The ceremony celebrated the accomplishments and contributions of a number of honorees, including:
Gold Medal for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement
Curtis Runnels, Boston University
Pomerance Award for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology
Robert Hedges, University of Oxford
Martha and Artemis Joukowsky Distinguished Service Award
John Hale, University of Louisville
Outstanding Public Service Award
Laurie W. Rush, U.S. Army Fort Drum
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Jennifer Ramsay, College of Brockport, University of New York
John M. Marston, Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion
Timothy Matney, Ziyaret Tepe: Exploring the Anatolian Frontier of the Assyrian Empire (Cornucopia Books, 2017)
Award for Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology
The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook Environment (ODATE)
Honorable Mention
Field Acquired Information Management Systems (FAIMS)
Graduate Student Paper Award (2018)
Heba Abdelsalam, Middle Tennessee State University, “Approaches for Protecting Cultural Heritage Sites: Mallawi Museum Case Study”
* The 2019 Graduate Student Paper Award Winners, to be honored at the 2020 Annual Meeting are:
Best Paper (2019)
Cai Thorman, University of California, Davis, “Matrilineal Lineage in Cult for Hellenistic Queens”
Runner Up (2019)
Victoria C. Moses, University of Arizona, “Powerful Pups: Dog Sacrifice in Early Rome, a Case Study from the Area Sacra di Sant’Omobono”
Poster Award Winners included:
Best Poster
Zehavi V. Husser, Biola University, “What’s in a Name?: Examining Jovian Epithets in Italian Roman Inscriptions Using Social Network Analysis”
Runner Up
Nicholas G. Blackwell, Indiana University Bloomington, and Matthew Brennan, Indiana University Bloomington, “Viewing the Lion Gate Relief at Mycenae: A 3D Model and New Compositional Observations”
Best Poster Designed by a Graduate Student
Max Peers, Brown University, “Visibility Graph Analysis of Lararia in the Insula del Menandro, Pompeii: Ideology within the Built Environment”
Best Poster Designed by an Undergraduate Student
Jessica Miller, University on North Carolina at Greensboro, “Minoan Settlement Patterns of the Neopalatial Period”
The AIA bestows a special honor on former Trustees whose contributions to the AIA over the years have been of incalculable value, and that is the title of Trustee Emeritus/Emerita. Only three individuals in the AIA’s history have earned this recognition. Two of the three were able to attend the Awards Ceremony at the AIA Annual Meeting, in person: Trustee Emerita Norma Kershaw and Trustee Emeritus Charles La Follette. Trustee Emeritus Brian Heidtke was not able to come to San Diego, but he sent a greeting by video. The AIA honored the Trustee Emeriti with an Athenian owl plaque, in appreciation for all that they have done and continue to do.