Quick Takes #1: Big Datasets in Archaeology

Quick Takes #1: Big Datasets in Archaeology

The AIA-Coalition for Archaeological Synthesis (CfAS) working group has developed a new conference format, “Quick Takes: Big Archaeological Topics in 5min or Less”, to explore concepts with critical implications in the field of archaeology and disseminate information for the AIA meetings and beyond.

The inaugural program, “Quick Takes – Take #1: Big Datasets in Archaeology”, was held on Wenesday, October 26th, 2022. The session showcased nine videos of scholars working in a variety of places and time periods. Their contributions discuss various types of big datasets and the different approaches that they take to analyze, curate, and disseminate these data. The full session recording as well as the individual presentations are available below.

The Quick Takes Forum is free, but registration is required.


Drs. Danielle Riebe (University of Georgia) and Sarah McClure (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Participants: [links to their talks below]

Sturt Manning (Cornell University): Resolving Human Associations and History in Large Chronological Datasets (Video)

Jennifer Birch (University of Georgia): Assembling and Integrating ‘Big Data’ in Northern Iroquoian Archaeology (Video)

Dylan Davis (The Pennsylvania State University): “Big Data” and Archaeological Studies of Human-environmental dynamics (Video)

Hannah Lau (Hamilton College): Data Production and Consumption: Ensuring Utility for Big Data Analysis (Video)

Tom Whitley (Sonoma State University): Modeling Paleoenvironments and Cultural Landscapes Using Large Digital Datasets (Video)

Parker Van Valkenburgh (Brown University) and Steven Wernke (Vanderbilt University): South American Archaeology at Scale: the Geospatial Platform for Andean Culture, History, and Archaeology (GeoPACHA) (Video)

Christopher Jazwa (University Of Nevada, Reno): The Use of Oxygen Isotopic Measurements from Modern Mollusks to Refine Methods for Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction (Video)

Jakob Sedig (Harvard University): Small Molecules, Big Data: Ancient DNA Datasets and Archaeological Interpretation (Video)

Vagheesh Narasimhan (University of Texas, Austin): Using deep learning from imaging, genetic, and climatic data to prioritize ancient skeletal material for DNA sequencing (Video)

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