
Maya Research Program : Welker Scholarships and Maya Conlin Scholarships

Maya Research Program

Deadline: March 15, 2019

Website: http://www.mayaresearchprogram.org/styled-8/MRP%20Scholarships%20and%20Fellowships.html


Dr. Thomas Guderjan

817 831 9011


Application Process

MRP Welker Scholarships and Maya Conlin Scholarships

The Maya Research Program offers a limited number of scholarships to promising students who will attend Blue Creek for at least two sessions. Students targeted for this award are advanced undergraduate or early graduate students in archaeology. However, we have funded non-majors in the past and all interested students are encouraged to apply. The scholarships are funded by the Welker Scholarship Endowment Fund and the Maya Conlin Scholarship Fund and are supplemented by generous donors. This year we will fund at least 13 students. Each recipient will receive a $1000 scholarship. Recipients are required to spend at least 2 two-week sessions with us. The normal student cost for two full sessions is $2900. Scholarship students will pay $1900 for 4 weeks. To apply please include a scholarship application (see below) with your normal enrollment form and associated deposits. The scholarship application packet should outline your background, research interests, related course and/or field work, and future plans in archaeology. You should also include at least one letter of recommendation, ideally from a faculty member.

The application deadline is March 15th preceding the field season, but since scholarships are limited, you are wise to apply early. To apply for a Welker scholarship, please prepare a scholarship application containing the materials requested below. Please make sure that you include all of the information requested on this page as incomplete applications will not be considered.

Scholarship Application Details:
1) Personal Information: Name, Address, Phone, Email, Date of Birth
2) Education: Current Status, Major, GPA, Highest Degree earned
3) Please list any prior classes in Archaeology or Anthropology (or related fields).
4) Personal Statement: (At least one typed page): Please tell us what you hope to gain from your experience with the Maya Research Program. Be specific about your research interests, how those interests relate to MRP’s research design, future goals, and what special talents you bring to the program, etc.
5) Please attach a copy of your curriculum vitae (resume).
6) Please include at least one letter of reference from someone who can address your academic and professional skills.

All materials must be received no later than March 15th.

Please mail your completed application to: Maya Research Program: 1910 East Southeast Loop 323 #296, Tyler, TX 75701
To discuss scholarship opportunities further, please email or call Dr. Tom Guderjan (mrpinquiries@gmail.com or 817-831-9011).

MRP encourages students to apply for additional scholarships and grants. Click here for a full listing of opportunities.

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