April 17, 2024
Dear AIA Members:
As the co-chairs of the Nominating Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America, we are reaching out for your help in identifying candidates for the different open positions on the AIA Governing Board. The other members of the AIA Nominating Committee are Elie Abemayor, Deborah Arnold, Richard Leventhal, and Claire Lyons. Our Staff Liaison is Executive Assistant Emileigh Radcliff, and we thank her for all her help with the nominations process.
The Nominating Committee is now collecting names of potential candidates for the following open positions, with terms starting in January 2025:
(New) Academic Trustee
Vice President for Societies
General Trustee
Society Trustee
We seek suggestions from the AIA community for people who would be interested in serving the AIA in one of these capacities. Candidates for the Board must be AIA members at the time nominations are presented to the AIA Council on Saturday, January 4, 2025. The specific qualifications of each type of Governing Board member are described in Articles IV and VI of the AIA regulations, which can be viewed here.
Board members should ideally possess a significant interest in archaeology and be generally informed about the subject. Members will also participate in governance and other activities that help the AIA reach its fundraising goals and needs. The committee is especially interested in including perspectives and voices that represent society broadly and will help diversify and enrich AIA governance and the Institute. Self-nominations are welcome, and we encourage anyone interested to contact the co-chairs or other members of the Nominating Committee for additional information.
Please send suggestions to Sue Alcock (sue.alcock@ou.edu) and Beth Greene (egreene2@uwo.ca), as well as to Emileigh Radcliff at eradcliff@archaeological.org before Friday, May 17. Please provide the nominee’s email address with your nomination together with a few sentences explaining why you think that person (or yourself) would be an excellent AIA Governing Board member. All suggestions received will be considered with care. The role of the Nominating Committee is to vet nominations and to select the candidates for the ballot. If you contact a potential candidate, please make it clear that your inquiry is informal and does not guarantee a place on the ballot or election to the position. Please do ascertain, however, that they are willing to serve.
We thank you for your help with the nominating process.
Susan (Sue) Alcock and Elizabeth (Beth) Greene
Co-Chairs, AIA Nominating Committee
sue.alcock@ou.edu and egreene2@uwo.ca