AIA News

November 4, 2013

Cahal Pech Structures B6 and B7: Week Three

July 8 began the third week, and a majority of the students returned home, leaving fewer workers. We returned with 19 students, compared to 42 the first two weeks.  Units 1, 2 and 7 were determined complete and closed off today, allowing more focus on the central units of 3, 4, 5 and 6. Unit 3 began digging in the northeast to discover the wall proposed to extend across B7. Instead, they found what could be a possible corner of B6 structure. Unit 4 began to extend Unit 5’s wall west and found it to continue to be 3 courses deep. Unit 5 has a proposed staircase in the east, but many stairs have been disturbed and dislodged due to large tree root systems.


July 9 continued the third week with a high amount of efforts in hopes of exposing final architecture. Unit 3 continued to try and find wall in the northeast corner by removing trees, and also determined the corner in the center of the unit was of B6 staircase. Unit 4 came close to exposing wall stretching the length of the unit, but was forced to stop due to rain. Unit 5 continued to try and prove if NE mound of collapse was stairs. The work day stopped after lunch due to heavy downpours.

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