AIA News

March 14, 2025

Call for Nominations to the AIA Governing Board

Dear AIA Members: 

As the co-chairs of the Nominating Committee of the Archaeological Institute of America, we are seeking your assistance in identifying potential candidates for the various open positions on the AIA Governing Board. The other members of the AIA Nominating Committee are Elie Abemayor, Deborah Arnold, Richard Leventhal, Laura Rich, and Jo Anne Tilburg. We extend our gratitude to Executive Assistant Katy Monaco, who serves as our Staff Liaison, for her invaluable support throughout the nominations process. 

The Nominating Committee is now accepting recommendations for the following positions, with terms beginning in January 2026

General Trustee 

  • Two (2) open positions 
  • Nominees traditionally run unopposed (1 nominee for each open position)  
  • Term lasts for three years and is eligible for renewal  

Academic Trustee 

  • Two (2) open positions 
  • Nominees traditionally do not run unopposed (2 nominees for each open position)  
  • Term lasts for three years and is eligible for renewal 

We invite the AIA community to contribute suggestions for individuals who may be interested in serving the AIA in one of these capacities. Candidates for the Board must hold AIA membership at the time nominations are presented during the AIA Council meeting at the Annual Meeting in January 2026. Detailed qualifications for each category of Governing Board members are outlined in Articles IV and VI of the AIA regulations, which can be viewed here.  

Board members should demonstrate a strong interest in archaeology and general knowledge of the field. They will be expected to actively engage in governance and contribute to initiatives that support the AIA’s fundraising goals and organizational needs. The committee places particular importance on including diverse perspectives and voices that reflect the broader society, with the aim of enhancing and enriching AIA governance and the Institute as a whole. Self-nominations are highly encouraged, and individuals interested in serving are invited to reach out to the co-chairs or other members of the Nominating Committee for further details. 

Please send your nominations to Sue Alcock (, Beth Greene (, and Katy Monaco ( before Tuesday, April 15.  

When submitting a nomination, please include the nominee’s email address and a few sentences outlining why you believe they (or yourself) would be an excellent candidate for the AIA Governing Board. Rest assured, all suggestions will be thoughtfully reviewed. The Nominating Committee is tasked with carefully vetting nominations and selecting candidates for the ballot. 

If you choose to approach a potential candidate, kindly make it clear that your inquiry is informal and does not guarantee a spot on the ballot or election to the position. However, please confirm that they are willing to serve if selected.  

We deeply appreciate your contributions to this important process. 


Susan (Sue) Alcock and Elizabeth (Beth) Greene   
Co-Chairs, AIA Nominating Committee and   

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