
AIA Congressional Charter
The act of incorporation of the Archaeological Institute of America, approved by President Theodore Roosevelt on May 26, 1906.

Regulations of the Archaeological Institute of America
Adopted by the Council on December 29, 1991 and last amended on January 6, 2024, the Regulations are the bylaws that detail the governance and operations of the Institute.

AIA Privacy Policy
The AIA Privacy Policy explains how we deal with your personal information responsibly and in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection laws, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

AIA Annual Report
The AIA Annual Report reviews the organization’s performance and effectiveness during the fiscal year (July-June) in pursuit of fulfilling the AIA’s mission.

AIA Vision Statement
Introduced in December 2013, the AIA Vision Statement presents an uplifting look at future directions for archaeology and the AIA, and is accompanied by a set of values that captures the essence of what archaeology is and how it should be conducted.

Code of Ethics*
Adopted by the Council on December 29, 1990, and last amended on December 29, 1997, and January 8, 2016.

Code of Professional Standards*
Adopted by the Council on December 29, 1994, and last amended on December 29, 1997, January 5, 2008, and January 8, 2016. The code applies to the AIA’s Professional members.

*It should be noted that neither the general Code of Ethics nor the Code of Professional Standards constitute “rules” that AIA members must follow. Rather, they are guidelines for ethical behavior and statements of responsibility to the archaeological record.

AIA Grievance Procedure
The Grievance Procedure details the resolution of violations of the Code of Professional Standards by AIA members.

Resolution on the Importation of Antiquities
Resolution in support of the UNESCO 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property; adopted by the Council on December 30, 1970.

Resolution on the Acquisition of Antiquities by Museums
Adopted by the Council on December 30, 1973.

AIA Policy on the Presentation and Publication of Undocumented Antiquities
Adopted by a vote of Council on January 4, 2020.  This policy supercedes the earlier Resolution on the Presentation of Undocumented Antiquities at the AIA Annual Meeting and the AJA Editorial Policy on the Publication of Recently Acquired Antiquities.

Policy on Endorsements
Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 21, 2001.

Conflict of Interest Statement for Members of Committees Awarding Fellowships, Grants, and Prizes
Adopted by the Governing Board on January 4, 2018.

AIA Respectful Behavior at the Annual Meeting Policy
Adopted by the Governing Board on April 27, 2018.

Considerations Regarding the Tenure and Promotion of Classical Archaeologists Employed in Colleges and Universities, with Addendum, Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Technology and Scholarship in Archaeology
Original document from 2013 with the addendum added in 2018.
Adopted by the Governing Board on October 13, 2018.

AIA Statement on Sexual Harassment and Assault and Guidelines on Archaeological Field Projects
Adopted by the Governing Board on January 3, 2019.

AIA-SCS Joint Harassment Policy
Adopted by the Executive Committee on August 27, 2019.

AIA-SCS Virtual Annual Meeting Conduct and Harassment Policy
Adopted by the Executive Committee on October 4, 2020.

AIA Endowment Policy
Adopted by the Governing Board on May 1, 2021 and updates approved on July 22, 2021.

AJA Statement of Purpose
Adopted by the Governing Board on May 1, 2021.

AIA Statement on the Value of Archaeology in the University and College Curriculum
Adopted by the Executive Committee on June 29, 2021.

AIA Mission, Vision, and Values Statement
Adopted by the Governing Board October 26, 2024.

AIA Guidelines on the Use of Images of Human Remains
Posted December 12, 2024.

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The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.