April 7, 2017
The AIA joined 4,755 archaeologists in Vancouver last week for the Society for American Archaeology’s 82nd Annual Meeting. During the four day conference, AIA staff spoke to over 700 conference attendees that visited the AIA booth in the Exhibit Hall at the Vancouver Convention Centre and distributed information about AIA Membership, Societies, Fellowships, Grants, International Archaeology Day, and more.
For Laurel Sparks, AIA Lectures and Fellowships Coordinator, the hundreds of academic sessions at the meeting were a great opportunity to scout for lecturers for upcoming National Lecture Program tours. Also at the meeting, AIA Senior Programs Coordinator, Meredith Langlitz, co-moderated a session on effectively communicating about archaeology to the public that included 3 minute elevator pitches as well as a juding panel that included AIA VP for Outreach and Education, Deborah Gangloff. Throughout the meeting, Laurel and Meredith were able to catch up with AIA Society Officers and members from across the United States and Canada. Be sure to look for the AIA’s booth at the SAA’s next meeting in Washington DC!