AIA News

May 13, 2024

AIA Introduces its Executive Director and Publisher

The Archaeological Institute of America is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Quinlan as Executive Director and Publisher.

Kevin came to the AIA in 2009 from the Economist Group, where he served as President and Publisher of the CFO Publishing Group. Since 2013, he has served as the AIA’s Chief Operating Officer and Publisher of ARCHAEOLOGY magazine. During that time, he has filled the role of Acting Executive Director on multiple occasions. Kevin’s long institutional history and forward-thinking leadership combined with close professional relationships across the many sectors of the organization—from the Boston staff to the magazine and journal, to our supporters, and our professional, society, and public constituencies—promise to advance the AIA’s strategic mission. His deep financial experience is essential to the sustainability of our organization. 

Following the departure of former AIA Executive Director Rebecca King, AIA President Elizabeth Greene sought input from the Executive Committee and broad consultation across the organization to establish key priorities for an Executive Director who could implement the AIA’s strategic mission defined by collaborative, ethical, and rigorous approaches to archaeology, the promotion of heritage preservation, and the engagement of a diverse and inclusive public. She established a search committee comprised of First Vice President Brian I. Daniels, Treasurer James Jansson, General Trustee and Development Committee Co-Chair Larry Cripe, and Academic Trustee Kim Shelton, in addition to the President. The search committee was unanimous in their assessment of the recommendation to promote Kevin Quinlan to Executive Director and Publisher of the AIA. This recommendation was unanimously accepted by the Executive Committee and approved by the Governing Board. 

We are delighted to announce Kevin’s new role as the AIA’s Executive Director and Publisher. 

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