AIA News

December 2, 2019

AIA Supports Legislation To Create National Network of African-American Burial Grounds

In 2019, the AIA joined with the Coalition for American Heritage, and numerous other organizations, to support legislation which would create a voluntary, nationwide network of African-American burial grounds and help provide federal assistance to ensure the burial sites are preserved and maintained for the future.

The AIA signed a letter in support of S2827, which if enacted, would authorize the National Park Service (NPS) to establish a voluntary, nationwide network of African-American burial grounds. A NPS program would also be created, in coordination with governmental, private, and non-profit partners, to assist communities across our country in identifying, preserving, and restoring these historic and cultural sites. The AIA was also a signatory to a letter supporting H.R. 1179, a similar bill, modeled after two other successful voluntary networks NPS currently manages.

The letters detailed the need for the swift passage of this important legislation.

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