November 12, 2021
The Archaeological Institute of America would like to congratulate the following individuals, projects, and publications for their excellent work. They will be formally recognized at the AIA Awards Ceremony, which will take place during the 123rd Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM (PST) at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square Hotel in San Francisco, CA. All are welcome to attend the Awards Ceremony either in person or virtually. Click here to register for the virtual webinar.
Anna Marguerite McCann Award for Fieldwork Reports – Landscape History of Hadramawt: The Roots of Agriculture in Southern Arabia (RASA) Project 1998-2008 (Edited by: Joy McCorriston and Michael J. Harrower)
Award for Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology – Constructing the Sacred: Visibility and Ritual Landscape at the Egyptian Necropolis of Saqqara (To be accepted by: Dr. Elaine A. Sullivan)
Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award – Prof. Pamela Gaber
Felicia A. Holton Book Award – Archaeology from Space: How the Future Shapes Our Past (By: Dr. Sarah Parcak)
Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Archaeological Achievement – Dr. Elizabeth B. Fentress
Graduate Student Paper Award (2021 Annual Meeting – First Prize) –Ms. Tara Trahey, “The Brother-and-Sister Stele Sphinx has a vagina”
James R. Wiseman Book Award – Life and Death in the Roman Suburb (By: Dr. Allison L. C. Emmerson)
Martha and Artemis Joukowsky Distinguished Service Award – Dr. Nancy de Grummond
Outstanding Public Service Award – Dr. Neil Brodie
Pomerance Award for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology – Dr. Matthew Collins
Our warmest congratulations to all!