September 16, 2015
“This workshop will be a forum in which to provide students and early career scholars with an overview of the process of submission, revision, and publication and with insights from those involved in the process. It will bring together editors, reviewers, and authors to explain various aspects of the path to publication. Various sorts of publication will be discussed and shorter pieces such as conference proceedings, handbook chapters, and encyclopedia entries will receive attention. Panelists will advise on best practices for adapting a dissertation into a monograph, on drafting a book proposal, and choosing a suitable journal for submission. They will explain what goes on during the review process, where to look for publication subvention grants, and how to secure per-missions and copyrights for images.
The panelists—published scholars, editors of journals, representatives of presses and funding agencies—will contribute to a holistic understanding of the publication process. Recent and future PhDs will benefit from hearing the experiences of those who have been in their position, as well as the perspectives of those whom they would not encounter in a traditional academic setting. A fuller understanding of the steps involved, the pitfalls to avoid, and the challenges to be encountered will build confidence and allow authors to share their work with the scholarly community more readily. Students and junior faculty, whether on the market, ap-proaching it, or settling into a new job, all know the importance of publication to their careers. All stand to benefit from the insights offered regarding the path to publication.”
MODERATORS: Maryl B. Gensheimer, University of Maryland, Simeon D. Ehrlich, Stanford University, and Susan Grouchy, AIA Member at Large
PANELISTS: Susan E. Alcock, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the An¬cient World, Brown University, Jack L. Davis, University of Cincinnati, Sheila Dillon, Duke University, Susan Lupack, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Sarah Pirovitz, Oxford University Press, and Jennifer Trimble, Stanford University
Please reference the AM app in December for the exact time and location of the workshop.