November 1, 2019
The Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center celebrated International Archaeology Day, Oklahoma Archaeology Month, and Spiro Mounds Grand Reopening on October 19 with 165 visitors. Archaeologist and manager Dennis Peterson was available to identify artifacts brought in by visitors and gave a lecture about the prehistory of Oklahoma/Spiro Mounds and led a tour of the site in the afternoon. David and Raydele Klostermeier of Arkansas demonstrated flintknapping techniques and the use of microdrills to make beads throughout the day (see photo), and Caddo potter Chase Earles showed his pottery and gave a lecture on his traditional techniques and forms. Archaeology and Anthropology books donated for donations to offset the costs of rebuilding the Center after the Arkansas River flood generated around $500. Promotion of the event was in cooperation with the Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network and the Oklahoma Historical Society.
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