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Jenga blocks
Harry Styles Vinyl and CD Cases Louis Tomlinson CD cases Paper as stairs
Puzzle pieces!
-Paper and tape
Wood, Nailgun
Blankets and a squared bowl
Homemade rice crispy treats and a lot of patience.
I used card board boxes, hot glue, spray paint and some construction paper.
Vanilla and Lemon cake; Almond frosting; Brown and Black food coloring; Brown sugar
To make Chichen Itza I used cardboard, hot glue, and paint.
Granola Bars and Skittles rapper!
Mint fudge
Brownie mix
The partial bibliography (books, journals, correspondence, photographs, notes) of my books and articles about Chichen Itza. Also some chac mools I had lying around the house.
Shoeboxes, cardboard, glue, spray paint, scissor, Lego figures.
Assorted books, paper roll, ribbon, and black Oaxacan pottery