Among the finds of the fifth week were parts of decorated plaster, vases for various uses, burnt wood, and conical cups.
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This season’s work is complete in Room 17, while a new excavation sector was opened in Room 46 and work continues in other areas.
Finds worth mentioning are the lid of a stone vessel, a sherd with a relief motif (possibly depicting two horns), and a one-handled cup.
A whole staircase was revealed leading from Room 37A to Room 47A, as excavation progressed in many areas.
ROOMS 4-5 The Rooms 4 and 5 are located in the northeast corner of the archaeological area east from Rooms 6, 7 and 22 and north from Room 24. During […]
This summer, we will pick up where we left off in 2016. Read about past excavations and our plans for 2017!
We are currently pursing two major research projects. The first is an investigation of the prehistoric landscapes of Slievemore Mountain in the north of Achill, while the second, is a […]
With the long warm days of summer long behind us, we have swopped our trowels and buckets for spreadsheets and Paraloid solution.
It was the Achill Archaeological Field School’s last week on site, and it was a full one with the tough job of backfilling!
We’re now on our second to last week at Keem Bay, and the end is in sight!
With most of the rubble and collapse now removed, this week we focused on investigating the structure of the building.
This week the building at Keem began to make much more sense!
Room 17 During the fifth and final week of excavation, the dig at room 17 of Zominthos’s Central Building was finished (fig.1). A pillar was discovered at the centre of […]
During the past few weeks, we have revealed a curious foundation that seems to represent a small heel-shaped building.
Room 17 The excavation of room 17, which is located north and west at Zomintho’s Central Building, was begun during the fourth week of the excavation season 2016. The room […]
We left Slievemore behind for another year and headed back to Keem Bay this week.
The final week on the Cromlech Tumulus for 2016 was hectic, as we completed the recording of the site.
Room 33 The excavation of Room 33 is completed revealing a clearly disturbed paved floor (fig.1). Stone structure used as desk, was discovered alongside the north and west wall under […]
This week included cleaning the southern side of the site, a field trip to Achillbeg, and an illustration course at Dooagh Archaeology Centre.
We concentrated on removing rubble from the corbelled hut collapse in the south of the trench and continued clearing the entrance channel in the north.