Overseeing Officer: Jen Thum, Vice President for Outreach and Education
Chair: Maggie Popkin, (2024-2027) Term 1Staff Liaison: Meredith Langlitz, mlanglitz@archaeological.org
The Committee of the Felicia A. Holton Book Award will recommend to the Governing Board a major work of nonfiction written for the general public, which stimulates interest in the field of archaeology.
Bonnie Barker, (2025-2027) Term 1
Andrea Kmetz-Sheehy, (2024-2026) Term 2
Jason L. King, ex officio
Mark Letteney, (2024-2026) Term 1
Larry Mayland, (2023-2025) Term 2
Amy Sowder Koch, (2025-2027) Term 1