AIA Committees

Hanfmann Lecture Subcommittee

Overseeing Officer: Katie Petrole, Vice President for Societies

Chair: Christopher Ratte, (2019-2023) Term 1

Staff Liaison: Meredith Langlitz,

George M. A. Hanfmann was Professor of Fine Arts at Harvard University, Curator of Classical Art at the Fogg Art Museum, and Field Director of the Sardis Excavations in Turkey. The Hanfmann Lectureship was established in 1988 by his students and friends in order to honor him and his outstanding contributions to classical (especially Anatolian) archaeology, and Greek, Etruscan, and Roman art. Scholars who hold the Hanfmann Lectureship specialize in one or more of the varied subjects to which Prof. Hanfmann made contributions, e.g. Etruscan sculpture, Roman sarcophagi, Anatolian city planning, Hellenistic survivals in Byzantine art, Near Eastern narrative, and ancient technology (especially metallurgy). There is no expectation that the nominees will be senior scholars: the lectureship is open to interesting scholars of all levels –junior, middle, and senior. The Hanfmann Lecturer is chosen by the Hanfmann Lectureship Subcommittee of the Lecture Program Committee. The Subcommittee provides nominations for the Hanfmann Lecture each year, which are in turn approved by the Lecture Program Committee. At least two nominations are appreciated, in case the Committee’s first choice cannot serve. 


Nicholas Hudson, (2020-2023) Term 2

Laurel Taylor, (2020-2023) Term 2

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