Overseeing Officer: Katie Petrole, Vice President for Societies
Chair: Morag Kersel, (2023-2025) Term 1Staff Liaison: David DeVore, DDeVore@archaeological.org
The primary responsibility of the Committee is to select the lecturers for the National Lecture Program. The Committee selects the Norton Lecturer, Kress Lecturer, and Joukowsky Lecturer, as well as those who will hold the several other lectureships for which there are special criteria for selection. The Committee also makes recommendations to the Governing Board for the improvement of the Lecture Program.
Elisha Ann Dumser, (2021-2024) Term 1
Patrick Hunt, (2023-2025) Term 2
Robyn Le Blanc, (2023-2025) Term 2
Marilyn Masson, (2024-2026) Term 1
Bonnie Pitblado, (2024-2026) Term 1
Paul Scotton, (2021-2024) Term 1