The Near Eastern Archaeology Interest Group consists of AIA members with an interest in the prehistoric and historical archaeology of the Near East, and in promoting its understanding to members of the AIA through its various programs and publications.
Angie Abdelmonem
Anastasia Amrhein
Erin Averett
Stephen Baitiuk
Kathryn Bard
Katherine Blouin
Megan Cifarelli
Doug Clark
Eric Cline
Sarah Costello
Brian Daniels
Erin Darby
Robert Darby
Tess Davis
Andrea DeGiorgi
Elif Denel
Ric Elia
Michel Fortin
Elise Friedland
Netherly Fuller
Pamela Gaber
Amy Gansell
Jennifer Gates Foster
Macguire Gibson
R. Benjamin Gorham
Kate Grossman
Katharyn Hanson
Omur Harmansah
Craig Harvey
Sebastian Heath
Ellen Herscher
Nicole Hirschfeld
Ian Jones
Katie Kearns
Morag M. Kersel
Vivian A. Laughlin
Jodi Magness
Becky Martin
Laura Mazow
Ilker Mete Mimiroglu
Andrew Moore
Liat Naeh
James Newhard
John Oleson
James Osborne
Tate Paulette
Clemens Reichel
Hannah Ringheim
Yorke Rowan
Karen Rubinson
John Russell
Zach Silvia
Andrew Smith
Matthew Spigelman
Elizabeth Stone
Michael Sugerman
Mary Voigt
Jane Waldbaum
David Wallace
Cheryl Ward
Rita Wright
Paul Zimansky
Paul Zimmerman