Overseeing Officer: Brian I. Daniels, First Vice President
Chair: Eleni Hasaki, (2024-2026) Term 1Staff Liaison: Meredith Langlitz, mlanglitz@archaeological.org
The Committee for the AIA Pomerance Award for Scientific Contributions to Archaeology invites nominations for this annual award (where it is agreed there are candidates of sufficient merit). Eligibility is not restricted to members of the AIA, and candidates for the medal may be sought internationally with no geographical limitations. The recipient may be a professional or amateur scientist, or a team, whose interdisciplinary work with archaeologists merits recognition for distinguished and sustained achievements in archaeological science. Persons who have received the Gold Medal of the AIA are not excluded from eligibility. Previous winners of the Pomerance Award are ineligible. Nominations are requested each year for consideration for the award. Nominations are requested by a date in early April each year. The Pomerance Science Medal Committee may also make nominations. They may also deem there are no candidates of sufficient merit in any year. Once nominated, a nominee remains under consideration for the year of nomination and two further years (3 years in total). After three years names drop off the list and are only considered again if nominated again. The exception is that any nominee who comes second in any year will be carried forward to the following year regardless. The Committee keeps a list of past nomination lists so that the committee can review these in terms of new nominations.
Lisa Kealhofer, (2023-2025) Term 3
Lisa Maher, (2024-2026) Term 2
Scott Pike, (2024-2026) Term 1
Suzanne Pilaar Birch, (2024-2026) Term 2
Jennifer Ramsay, (2021-2024) Term 2