AIA Committees

Research Grants Committee

Overseeing Officer: Kim Shelton, Vice President for Research and Academic Affairs

Chair: Monica Smith, (2023-2025) Term 2

Staff Liaison: David DeVore,

The Committee administers the research grants program of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA).  Grants are made from endowments and other funds dedicated to archaeological research, except for the Site Preservation grants, administered separately.  The Committee solicits submissions of proposals, reviews applications, and selects recipients of grants.  The Committee develops merit-based guidelines for making grants from each research endowment that respect the stipulations of their founding documents.  It may recommend that additional members with appropriate expertise be added to the Committee in a given year to ensure informed review of applications.  


Erin Darby, (2023-2025) Term 2

Andrew Donnelly, (2024-2026) Term 1

Tiffany Fulkerson, (2024-2026) Term 1

Shannon Hogue, (2024-2026) Term 2

Rebecca Schindler, (2023-2025) Term 2

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