AIA Conflict of Interest Policy

General Policy

The Trustees, Officers and employees of the Archaeological Institute of America have a fiduciary obligation to uphold the public trust in the conduct of the Institute’s affairs. They are required to conduct the activities of the AIA in the best interest of the organization and to avoid conflicts between that responsibility and their personal interests. This duty precludes Trustees, Officers and employees from being supporters of persons or organizations whose activities are inimical to the mission and goals of the AIA. It also mandates the disclosure by Trustees, Officers and employees of AIA transactions and arrangements that may personally benefit, or appear to benefit, individual Trustees, Officers or employees (Such Trustees and Officers are referred to below as “Interested Persons.”)

More specifically, an Interested Person is a Trustee, Officer or employee who has, may have or may be perceived to have a direct or indirect interest (financial or otherwise) in a transaction or arrangement between the AIA and a third party individual or organization. A financial interest, for these purposes, includes gifts or favors as well as financial remuneration.

Implementation Procedures

  • Upon first learning of a conflicting situation, whether actual or potential, an Interested Person must disclose in writing the existence and nature of his or her interest to the President and to the Chair of the Audit Committee.
  1. Interested Persons may not participate in the consideration or negotiation of any such proposed transaction or arrangement and may not attend meetings discussing such matters unless specifically requested to attend by the Governing Board.
  • Failure to disclose an actual or possible conflict shall be referred to the Audit Committee, which will recommend to the Governing Board appropriate disciplinary and corrective action, including termination of the transaction on a post-discovery basis
  • Meeting minutes will contain reference to conflict of interest situations and affirm that any approved transaction or arrangement involving such a conflict is nonetheless in the best interest of, and fair and reasonable to, the AIA.
  • Each Trustee, Officer and employee shall annually sign a statement (below) that he or she has received a copy of the Conflict of Interest Policy, has read and understood it and has agreed to comply with it.

AIA Conflict of Interest Policy Signature Sheet 

I hereby attest and affirm that I have received a copy of the Archaeological Institute of America’s Conflict of Interest Policy that I have read and understand the policy and that I will comply with it.

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Clear Signature
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