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In 1999, Sandra Lee Church established an annual lecture for the Princeton Society in memory of her husband. A long time member and supporter of the AIA, Sandra Church had a notable Broadway career as an actress. Today she is a painter and resides in New York City.
“Bill” Clayburgh was a graduate of Princeton, Class of 1931. Upon graduation, he began a distinguished sixty-five year career in book production, representing a company that distributed the highest quality bookbinding cloths. Bill came to be synonymous with this facet of the business. His career was interrupted by World War II, where he served in the Pacific theatre as a Lt. Commander in the navy, resuming his publishing career after the war.
Bill was active in many trade associations related to his publishing career such as the Typophiles, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Book Manufacturers Institute and the Bookbinders Guild. At the same time, Bill supported and actively pursued cultural interests in literature, the theatre, opera, and ballet.