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A lectureship in memory of Alfred Eisenpreis established by the Archaeological Institute of America.
Dr. Eisenpreis was born in Vienna in 1924 and moved to the United States in 1939. He received a bachelor’s degree from St. Thomas College in Scranton, Pennsylvania, master’s degrees in political science and human resources from the New School University, and a doctoral degree in political science from the New School University.
Dr. Eisenpreis had a long and distinguished career in business and public service. He was a vice president of marketing for Allied Stores Corporation prior to being named head of New York City’s Economic Development Administration in the mid 1970s. He was a consultant on economic stabilization to the Office of Emergency Planning and Emergency Preparedness under five presidents, beginning with Lyndon Johnson. He served as president of the New York Industrial Development Corporation from 1974–1976.
Dr. Eisenpreis was also known for his volunteer service to numerous organizations. He served on the boards of the Explorers Club, National Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York Academy of Sciences, Wilkes University, and numerous other organizations. He was particularly committed to New York’s Temple Emanu-El, where he was treasurer of the board.
Having served on the AIA’s Governing Board from 1998 until 2002, Dr. Eisenpreis was a longtime supporter of the Institute. His memory will be preserved through an annual lecture in his name. The Alfred Eisenpreis Lecture will be given once a year at any one of the AIA’s local societies. The lecturer will be an expert on archaeology or some related discipline.
The Eisenpreis Lecture was made possible through a generous estate gift created by Dr. Eisenpreis prior to his death. He was a founding member of the Institute’s Charles Eliot Norton Legacy Society, which honors those forward-thinking benefactors who include the AIA in their estate plans.