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Topic: Oceania
The Archaeological Institute of America has established the Jo Anne Van Tilburg Lecture, as an annual event.
Dr. Jo Anne Van Tilburg received her doctoral degree in archaeology from the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). She currently serves as Director of the Rock Art Archive at UCLA’s Cotsen Institute of Archaeology. In that capacity, she has led an island-wide archaeological survey and inventory of monolithic stone sculpture on Easter Island (Rapa Nui). She is a world-renowned expert on Easter Island who has published numerous books and articles on the subject. Her work has also been the focus of productions by the BBC, PBS, Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, and History Channel.
The Jo Anne Van Tilburg Lecture reflects Dr. Van Tilburg’s professional interests and expertise by focusing on Oceanic history and culture. The Van Tilburg Lecture is given annually at an active AIA society, and the lecturer is chosen by the AIA Lecture Program Committee.
Dr. Van Tilburg generously funded this lectureship, and it is a fitting tribute to her longstanding commitment to the National Lecture Program. As a member of the AIA, she has served as a national lecturer on numerous occasions, and she was a member of the National Lecture Program Endowment Committee, which led the successful effort to raise support for the program.