Named Lectures

Robert L. Scranton Lectureship

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Topic: Classical Archaeology

The annual Robert L. Scranton Lectureship was established in 1999 by the friends of Robert Scranton.

Robert L. Scranton was born in Alliance, Ohio and graduated from Mt. Union College in 1932. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. He was a fellow at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens in 1934-38 and 1946-47 and returned in 1949 for special investigations at Corinth. His major work on Greek walls was done largely during his first period in Greece, when he also helped excavate the fortifications on the Athenian Pnyx. He worked in the field at Corinth, Kourion and Kenchreai as well as Athens. He taught at Illinois College, Vassar, Emory University and at the University of Chicago.

Scranton Lectures are dedicated to topics in classical archaeology, reflecting the focus of Scranton’s teaching and publications, and are not restricted to a specific venue.

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