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Evidence of precontact Native American ceremonialism is generally rare in northern Ohio. Only a few isolated mound sites, such as Esch in northcentral Ohio, were thought to have actively participated in the Hopewell Interaction Sphere of southern Ohio. More recent work, however, has identified additional localities in northern Ohio that produce classic Interaction Sphere artifacts of copper, Flint Ridge chert, and mica. Some of these are mound sites, but others feature ceremonial enclosures of earth and wood. Recent investigations at the Heckelman site in the Huron River valley of north-central Ohio reveal significant evidence of domestic occupation as well as the remains of elaborate ceremonialism that points to direct interactions with Hopewell societies to the south.
All attendees must RSVP for the meeting to receive the Teams invitation. Please email your RSVP to Dr. Evi Gorogianni,, before 5pm on Oct. 14nd