Sponsored by: AIA-Niagara Peninsula, Brock University
Our society will be hosted by the Salem Chapel in St. Catharines for International Archaeology Day. During this tour (90 minutes in duration), guests will gain insight into local history and about individuals of African descent that settled around the St. Catharines region in c. 1788. Guests will also learn about Harriet Tubman, a well-known individual, who was a conductor of the Underground Railroad and was a member of the Salem Chapel. The tour will begin at 1:00PM (EST) and guests are asked to arrive a few minutes prior. For more information about the tour, the site, and other historical content, please visit their website at http://salemchapelbmechurch.ca/index.html
To register for the event, please visit our website https://brocku.ca/humanities/classics/outreach/aia-niagara/