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April 29, 2023: Toys, Burial Goods or Ritual Objects? – West African figurines and their archaeological traces presented by André Luiz Ruivo Ferreira Burmann, PhD candidate Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Pre- and Protohistory of Africa, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Abstract: West African figurines are a notable part of the world heritage. Both legally and illegally, they were (and continue to be) collected and exhibited in museums and collections all […]

Stanford AIA Raubitschek Lecture with Ian Morris

"What Happened in History: 81 Years on from Gordon Childe" This lecture borrows the title from Gordon Childe's famous book and asks how his theory of the overall shape of prehistory and ancient history looks today.

The Archaeological Technicians of Quft and the Art of Excavation as Cultural Heritage in Egypt

Abstract: The small town of Quft in southern Upper Egypt is unique in the history of archaeology for having developed a specialized craft industry of highly skilled archaeological excavators, whose skills and networks in the field have been passed down through several generations of family “guilds” from the late nineteenth century to today. This talk […]