April 6, 2023 @ 5:30 pm CDT Shopping for artists’ materials in ancient Rome: pigment shops, pigments, and product choice Agricultural Communication and Education Building, Room 00102, Texas Tech University 2810 15th St, Lubbock, TX
April 6, 2023 @ 6:00 pm MDT Miners, Martyrs, Shepherds, and Sowers: Shifting Landscapes of Faynan, Southern Jordan over the Last 2,000 Years Hager Auditorium, the Museum of the Rockies 600 W. Kagy Blvd., Bozeman, MT Kershaw Lecture
April 6, 2023 @ 6:00 pm CDT Not Black and White: Seeing and Naming Africans in Greek Art Nashville Parthenon 2500 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States Kershaw Lecture
April 6, 2023 @ 7:30 pm PDT Stones of the Butterfly: Archaeological Investigation of Yap’s Famous Stone Money Whitman College, Olin Hall 345 Boyer Ave, Walla Walla, WA, United States
April 11, 2023 @ 7:00 pm CDT Trading with the Enemy: Greek Pottery in the Persian World Room L140, Elvehjem Building, University of Wisconsin-Madison 750 University Avenue, Madison, WI Norton Lecture
April 12, 2023 @ 6:30 pm CDT Myth-ing Sound: Exploring Markers of Music in Athenian Vase Paintings Manton Lecture Please contact Phil Stinson and William Bruce for the Zoom link.
April 13, 2023 @ 7:30 pm PDT Magellan’s Pacific Crossing: New Discoveries in One of the World’s Greatest Voyages John C Paulus Lecture Hall, Willamette University 245 Winter Street SE, Salem, OR, United States Archaeology of Portugal Lecture
April 15, 2023 @ 1:30 pm PDT Where Was the American Southwest (and Why Isn’t It There Anymore)? University of Puget Sound, Tahoma Room in Thomson Hall 1500 N Warner St, Tacoma, WA, United States Stone Lecture
April 16, 2023 @ 4:00 pm PDT Leviathan’s Revenge: Archaeology and the Destructive Convergence of Land, Sea, and Humans Santa Rosa Junior College, Petaluma Campus 680 Sonoma Mountain Pkwy, Petaluma, CA, United States
April 18, 2023 @ 7:00 pm PDT With, For, and By: Doing Archaeology in a Grand Ronde Way Virtual lecture which is part of the AIA Archaeology Hour series.