Hannibal’s Secret Weapon
California State University, Fresno (ED170) 5241 N Maple Ave, Fresno, United StatesNorton lecture
Norton lecture
Lecture by Kate Kreindler (University of Virginia). Ferdinando and Sarah Cinelli Lecture in Etruscan and Italic Archaeology. Free and open to the public.
The AIA-Baltimore Society presents Dr. Maggie Popkin, speaking on "Imagining the Roman Empire Through Its Souvenirs." Zoom link: https://towson-edu.zoom.us/j/98825554469?pwd=bGpsWXFuemQvRVcrL1VQaU10WWlqZz09.
Joukowsky lecture
Over the past few decades, archaeologists have assigned ancestors significant roles in the supernatural orders of most ancient societies. They argue that ancestors, through their connection to the divine or […]
Matson lecture
Kershaw lecture
Santen lecture