Magellan’s Pacific Crossing: New Discoveries in One of the World’s Greatest Voyages
Trinity University, Dickie Hall Room 104 One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX, United StatesArchaeology of Portugal lecture
Archaeology of Portugal lecture
Free Hybrid Lecture Miroslav Bárta, Charles University, Czech Institute of Egyptology Miroslav Bárta will present the latest results from archaeological research at Abusir and Saqqara, two ancient Egyptian cemeteries. The […]
Matthew V. Kroot, PhD Assistant Professor Arizona State University School of Human Evolution & Social Change Stone tools in Africa are the earliest evidence we have of human material culture. Their shifting roles in societies over millions of years provide us with unparalleled insights into long-term human histories. As a part of a broader program […]
"700 Generations of the Spokane Tribe" Warren Seyler’s talk will review what it was like for the Spokane ancestors when they lived as a semi-nomadic river people upon the Plateau. Oral traditional stories will be shared telling how this land was formed and how the first Spokane arrived at the location known today as the […]
Norton Lecture
Passed in 1990, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) provides a legal mechanism for the repatriation and return of Native American and Native Hawaiian ancestral remains and […]
This lecture by Dr. Eric Jones (CU Boulder) discusses the development of commercial farming in the mid-19th century was a critical component of industrialization in the United States. It examines […]
Kershaw lecture
Metcalf lecture