Norton Lecture
The Dangerous Lives of Early Bronze Age Women in Central Anatolia Speaker: Stephanie Selover Abstract: In archaeology and art history, women of the ancient world are often identified through stereotypically “feminine” materials such as jewelry or weaving tools. This study of ancient cultures and the rise of early urbanism in the Early Bronze Age (ca. […]
A lecture by Dr. Pam Gaber, Professor of Archaeology and Art History on Lycoming College, on how Cyprus has yielded hundreds of votive sculptures from the First Millennium BCE, and how they reveal religious worship, travel, and trade in the Ancient Near East. Zoom Meeting ID: 870 1437 5777 Passcode: 319732
Santen Lecture
Brush Lecture
Matson Lecture
Joukowsky Lecture After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Norton Lecture
Andrew Lawler will introduce us to his new book, UNDER JERUSALEM: The Buried History of the World’s Most Contested City. Sacred to three faiths and revered by more than half the people on the planet, Jerusalem conjures up powerful images of the celestial. Yet beneath its narrow alleys and holy places, the ancient city conceals […]