21st Century Tools For Studying Ice Age Art
Sheppard Lecture
Sheppard Lecture
Wednesdays, 17:30 Dublin/London time Please register at EventBrite using this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/derek-counts-u-of-wisconsin-milwaukee-tcd-classics-research-seminar-tickets-239356199837 Zoom links will be available to all registrants
Dr. Cyler Conrad (University of New Mexico) The popular Hollywood film, The Bridge on the River Kwai, portrays an important series of events for prisoners of war during World War II in Thailand, also known as the infamous China-Burma-India theater of conflict. While the film’s creative story garnered acclaim and praise after its release in […]
Kantor Lecture
Gregorian Lecture
In-person lecture by Bradley Ault Following the Late Bronze Age “collapse” of Mycenaean civilization (ca. 1200 BCE), the formative Greek states and the palace centers that spawned them had vanished. What emerged in their wake over the course of the following centuries was the city-state or polis, a system with a remarkably different pedigree. Bottom-up […]
Ettinghausen Lecture Due to Covid precaution policies at Princeton, only accept 10 non PU ID attendees will be accepted. They must register with Mo Chen (mochen@princeton.edu) in advance and attest to being fully vaccinated, including the booster. Face masks must be properly worn in the building. Non PU ID holders must be at the […]