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Kathleen M. Lynch, PhD, University of Cincinnati: Wine and Truth: The Ancient Greek Symposium

Biography: Kathleen is a Classical Archaeologist who has worked on sites in Italy, Greece, Albania, and Turkey. In particular, she is a ceramic specialist interested in Athenian figured wares from archaeological contexts. Her research currently spans a number of ceramic related topics from issues of Attic chronology to iconography to symposia to the Greek household. […]

Exploring Egypt’s Middle Kingdom at the Site of Ancient Thebes (Virtual Lecture)

Antonio J. Morales, Assistant Professor of Egyptology, University of Alcalá; Real Colegio Complutense Visiting Fellow 2022, Harvard University; Director, The Middle Kingdom Theban Project One of ancient Egypt's high points of cultural, intellectual, and social life was the period referred to as the Middle Kingdom (2030–1650 BCE). The ancient city of Thebes (modern Luxor) was […]