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Harald Ingholt Lecture: Doorways to the Past at Balu’a — An Iron Age Moabite City in Jordan

Whitman College, Olin Hall 129 920 E Isaacs, Walla Walla, WA, United States

Lecturer: Monique Roddy (Walla Walla University) Professor Roddy specializes in the archaeology of households and everyday life in the southern Levant, particularly during the Iron Age (12th-6th centuries BCE). She currently co-directs the Balu'a Regional Archaeological Project excavations at Khirbat al-Balu'a in Jordan. Recent projects include co-editing the final publication series of the Madaba Plains […]

Great Lecture: Becoming an UNESCO World Heritage Site

Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

During the last 35 years Dr. C Brian Rose has had the good fortune to direct or co-direct excavations at two legendary sites in Turkey–-Troy and Gordion. Troy was added […]

Time Team Adventures and Community Archaeology

ZOOM lecture: "Time Team Adventures and Community Archaeology" by Dr. Alexandra Jones ( Assistant Professor of Practice in History and Anthropology at Goucher College). Room opens at 12:45 and lecture […]

Great Lecture: World Heritage in South Africa’s Cradle of Humankind

Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

South Africa's Cradle of Humankind has long been a hotbed of discovery for human ancestor fossils. Just 45 minutes north of Johannesburg, this protected region must balance multiple interests in research, development, and human rights. This talk will discuss on-going research and the efforts to continue to educate and engage the public, while emphasizing the […]

Great Lecture: World Heritage in South Africa’s Cradle of Humankind

Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

South Africa's Cradle of Humankind has long been a hotbed of discovery for human ancestor fossils. Just 45 minutes north of Johannesburg, this protected region must balance multiple interests in research, development, and human rights. This talk will discuss on-going research and the efforts to continue to educate and engage the public, while emphasizing the […]

Chemical Analysis and Dating of Ancient Rock Art

TBA (St. Louis) St. Louis, MO

Face-to-Face lecture: "Chemical Analysis and Dating of Ancient Rock Art" by Dr. Karen Steelman, director of Shumla's new C-14 plasma oxidation laboratory and a key member of the Shumla Research Leadership Team. More events are listed here on the St. Louis Society webpage.

Dr. Brian Buchanan: “More than just a mead-hall, a world’s wonder, eighth of seven: Reassessing the archaeology and landscape of Yeavering, Northumberland”

Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (MAC) 2316 West 1st Avenue, Spokane, Washington, United States

The iconic early medieval royal palace of Yeavering is located at the base of the Cheviot Hills along the modern-day Anglo-Scottish border in a quiet bucolic valley. In the 6th century AD, it was one of the key royal settlements and assembly sites of the early medieval kingdom of Northumbria, linked to the site noted […]