Ten fingers and ten toes: disability and infanticide in ancient Greece
WEBINAR (Central Arizona 1) Phoenix, AZYoung Lecture
Young Lecture
Borowski Lecture
Stone Lecture You can attend the lecture either in-person or via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent out to all registered attendees on the day of the lecture. Register […]
Steffy Lecture
Howland Lecture
a remote ZOOM lecture by Maryl Gensheimer, University of Maryland Archaeological Institute of America, New Haven Society November 2 2021, from 5-6 pm Zoom link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/93935437567 You are invited to […]
Declassified military imagery from planes and satellites plays an important role in landscape and environmental archaeology. Historic imagery sources, especially the large archives generated by the US during the Cold […]
THIS LECTURE HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL SOMETIME IN THE SPRING. Michelle Damian, Assistant Professor of History, Monmouth College (mdamian@monmouthcollege.edu) Maritime trade and transport flourished during Japan’s early modern (Edo, 1603 […]