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Amelia Edwards’ United States Lecture Tour and the Beginnings of American Egyptology

Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

ANNUAL KORSYN LECTURE In-Person Lecture Saturday, March 29 at 3:30 pm EST Penn Museum, Classroom L2 Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Sheppard Lecture Topic: Amelia Edwards’ United States Lecture Tour and the Beginnings of American Egyptology Abstract: On a cold November evening in 1889, Amelia Edwards took the stage at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in Brooklyn, […]

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East Tours Led by Harvard Students

Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East 6 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA, United States

Available during the Harvard academic year Sundays at 1:00 pm, October 6, 2024–April 27, 2025. See blackout dates.* *Blackout dates: December 1, 2024–January 26, 2025; and March 16–23, 2025. This free tour, led by Harvard students, explores the Mediterranean Marketplaces: Connecting the Ancient World exhibition and how the movement of goods, peoples, and ideas around […]

New Light on King Herod’s Harbor

Nashville Parthenon 2500 West End Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States

Anna Marguerite McCann and Robert D. Taggart Lectureship in Underwater Archaeology

Making a Spectacle of Oneself: Reflections on Mirrors and Dress in Classical Antiquity

Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum at Miami University 801 S. Patterson Ave, Oxford, OH, United States

A joint program sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America Dayton Society, the Miami University Department of History, and the Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum at Miami University. Although we often take them for granted, mirrors in antiquity were powerful tools for the construction of feminine identity. Building on the idea of the mirror […]