Jennifer McKinnon Flyer 2About the lecture: From shipwrecks to aircraft wrecks to amphibious vehicles, Saipanās waters in the Mariana Islands contain sunken sites that together tell the story of a […]
Joukowsky Lecture
Cinelli Lecture
Virtual lecture which is part of theĀ AIA Archaeology Abridged Series.
Dr. Ilaria Battiloro (Associate Professor, Classics and Visual and Material Culture Studies departments at Mount Allison University) This talk offers an overview of the archaeological evidence for Lucanian sanctuaries and discusses how cult sites were conceived and used by people who built, frequented, and finally abandoned them. For this purpose, special emphasis is put on […]
How did climate change and migration shape early settlement in the Middle Ohio Valley? Archaeologist Aaron Comstock (Indiana University East) addresses this in his upcoming talk. The spread of maize agriculture into the Eastern Woodlands of North America was a process that resulted in significant cultural transformations. In the Middle Ohio Valley, the origins of […]
Find out how archaeology expands upon written historical records and helps to diversify our understanding of human behavior. Explore North American, South American, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian archaeology across the exhibit halls of two museums. Experience human history and prehistory through exhibits, hands-on opportunities (indoors and outdoors), and discussions with student archaeologists. Activities include ancient DNA […]