Ten fingers and ten toes: disability and infanticide in ancient Greece
WEBINAR (Central Arizona 1) Phoenix, AZYoung Lecture
Young Lecture
Borowski Lecture
FREE and open to the public, this celebration of SASA’s progress and call to action to support our mission is complete with a 10-day lineup of special events! From Mesopotamian ‘vampires’ and the underworld, to Pictish monsters, ‘Assassins Creed: Valhalla’ archaeogaming, and a feature on ‘Lovecraft’, join us to explore the history of Halloween and […]
Stone Lecture You can attend the lecture either in-person or via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent out to all registered attendees on the day of the lecture. Register via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/boomtown-blues-archaeologies-of-expansion-and-collapse-in-amazonia-tickets-185960060547
Steffy Lecture
Volunteers are invited to join in the excavation of the Berry site, located outside of Morganton, North Carolina. Berry is the location of the Native town of Joara and the Spanish Fort San Juan which was built in January 1567 and destroyed in 1568. Fort San Juan, occupied by 30 Spanish soldiers, constitutes the earliest […]
Come enjoy a beautiful fall day with an informal tour of Chicago's oldest chartered rural garden cemetery- Oak Woods. Dr. Jane Baxter will provide some insights to the cemetery, and show us not only the final resting places of some of Chicago's (and America's) past luminaries, but also how using tools of archaeology to examine […]
FREE and open to the public, this celebration of SASA’s progress and call to action to support our mission is complete with a 10-day lineup of special events! From Mesopotamian ‘vampires’ and the underworld, to Pictish monsters, ‘Assassins Creed: Valhalla’ archaeogaming, and a feature on ‘Lovecraft’, join us to explore the history of Halloween and […]
Ashley Morton will be leading us in a discussion of Sarah Moss’ novel, Ghost Wall (“a taut, gripping tale of a young woman and an Iron Age reenactment trip that unearths frightening behavior…”). Come celebrate International Archaeology Day with us! This event will be hosted online, via Zoom. Advance registration is required. Please use the […]
FREE and open to the public, this celebration of SASA’s progress and call to action to support our mission is complete with a 10-day lineup of special events! From Mesopotamian […]