Archaeology of Tattoos and Skin Art
Zoom lecture by Dr. Aaron Deter-Wolf, Tennessee Division of Archaeology.
Zoom lecture by Dr. Aaron Deter-Wolf, Tennessee Division of Archaeology.
The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Near Eastern Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a virtual lecture by Dr. Roselyn A. Campbell, Getty Research Institute: The Human Remains from the First Dynasty Subsidiary Burials at Abydos When: Sunday, February 6, 2022, 3 PM Pacific Time Zoom […]
Until recently, the idea that people could have traversed large expanses of ocean in prehistoric times was considered pseudoscience. But recent discoveries in places as disparate as Australia, Labrador, Crete, California, and Chile open the possibility that oceans were highways, not barriers, and that earlier than the Spanish Age of Discovery, people possessed the means […]
It's a new year and a great new slate of lectures! This winter, our lectures will be online using Microsoft Teams. We're very excited to present Dr. Michelle Cameron, from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto. Her lecture, "How Humans Negotiated Environments in the Past," will take place on Sunday, February 6th […]
Kershaw Lecture
Cesnola Lecture