Dr. Lisa Anderson-Zhu (Walters Art Museum) will speak about "A New but Naughty 'Sam Wide Group' Kylix at the Walters Art Museum." Join via Zoom at the link below. The password, if prompted is "baltimore".
Wilkie Lecture
The third century CE is arguably the most poorly understood period of the Roman Empire. Nonetheless, it is a critical time in World History, as it ushered in the transition of the Classical World to Late Antiquity and saw the end of the Roman system as defined by Augustus. One of the most consequential changes […]
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 7:30 p.m. ET Join Zoom Meeting https://davidson.zoom.us/j/99143304841 Meeting ID: 991 4330 4841 Anna Agbe-Davies, “The Mis-Education of Pauli Murray” About the lecture: This presentation considers education, womanhood, and signs as refracted through the life of human rights pioneer Pauli Murray, prompted by the archaeological investigation of her childhood home in Durham, […]
Church Lecture
This event is postponed until a later date this spring. New date to come!
Boegehold Lecture
Dimitri Laboury, Associate Professor of Ancient Egyptian Art History, Archaeology, History and History of Religions; Research Director, Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research in Ancient Egyptian Art History and Archaeology; Director of the Ancient Egyptian Art Historical Research Unit, University of Liège, Belgium One of the salient characteristics of ancient Egypt undoubtedly is its hieroglyphic […]