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Tracing the Origins of Art in Africa

Zoom lecture by Dr. Michael Chazan (University of Toronto) Joukowsky Lecture   Zoom Details The waiting room opens at 12:45pm CST, and the live lecture will begin at 1:00pm CST. Click below to join the meeting. Or, join through Zoom with the following login: Meeting ID: 361 501 0853 Password: Brilliant If you do not […]

Female Benefactors in the Roman Empire (Dr. Rachel Meyers)

1455 Blvd. De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

The Iowa Society of the Archaeological Institute of America presents: "Female Benefactors in the Roman Empire" by Dr. Rachel Meyers (Iowa State University) Evidence for the Roman practice of public […]

Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Today

Davidson College 315 North Main Street, Semans Auditorium, Belk Visual Arts Center, Davidson, NC, United States

Christy and Jim Pritchard, “Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Today” THIS LECTURE IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE VACCINATED PUBLIC MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL ATTENDEES About the lecture: Christy and […]

Reconstructing Queen Amanishakheto’s Musical Instruments (Free Virtual Lecture)

Susanne Gänsicke, Senior Conservator and ​​Head of Antiquities Conservation, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles Double reed pipes, known as auloi, were popular musical instruments in the ancient Mediterranean. In 1921, archaeologists exploring the necropolis of Meroë (northern Sudan)—as part of the Harvard University-Boston Museum of Fine Arts Expedition—found a large collection of auloi in […]

Pompeii on the Potomac

Spokane, WA, United States

Constantino Brumidi’s Roman-Style Wall Paintings for the US Capitol Dr. Elise Friedland (George Washington University, D.C.) The US Capitol—America’s central federal building—echoes ancient Greece and Rome, not only in its architecture and architectural sculpture, but even in its decorative murals. This talk presents new research on the 1858 fresco cycle in the Senate wing’s Naval […]