Block by Block: Piecing Together Athenian Democracy
Scranton Lecture
Scranton Lecture
Kershaw Lecture Co-sponsored by the Human Arts Series and the Programs of History, Women’s Studies, and Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Assumption University Please note Assumption University's current policy for guests as of January 2022, which states “Guests may visit campus if they can demonstrate proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test within 72 hours […]
Sonia F. Harmand, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Turkana Basin Institute, Stony Brook University; Director, Mission Préhistorique au Kenya/West Turkana Archaeological Project Human evolutionary scholars have long assumed that the […]
Pompeii's Sculptures in Context: Collecting, Display and Reuse in a Roman Town
Tsakirgis Lecture
Wendel White, Distinguished Professor of Art & American Studies, Stockton University; 2021 Robert Gardner Fellow in Photography, Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology, Harvard University In conversation with Brenda Tindal, […]