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Graduate and Undergraduate Research Lightning Round

We’re now accepting abstracts for an opportunity to present at our Lightning Round Research Presentations which will take place as a hybrid event in Iowa City and virtually via Zoom. […]

April 29, 2023: Toys, Burial Goods or Ritual Objects? – West African figurines and their archaeological traces presented by André Luiz Ruivo Ferreira Burmann, PhD candidate Institute for Archaeological Sciences, Pre- and Protohistory of Africa, Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Abstract: West African figurines are a notable part of the world heritage. Both legally and illegally, they were (and continue to be) collected and exhibited in museums and collections all over the world. Studies of these impressive 3D representations of humans, animals, and hybrid beings have focused mainly on formal, iconographic and stylistic aspects of […]

Great Lecture: Marshland of Cities: Lagash and its Neighbors ca. 2500 BCE

Penn Museum 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The earliest cities in the world arose in a dynamic wetland environment at the intersection of the Tigris-Euphrates delta and the shore of the Persian Gulf during the 4th- and 3rd-millennia BCE. Recent work at the site of Lagash, led by the Penn Museum, in collaboration with the University of Pisa and Cambridge University, focuses […]