The lecture presented by Dr. Robert Hohlfelder (Emeritus Professor, CU Boulder), will cover some of the most amazing discoveries of his long career including: A Treasure Trove of 4th Century […]
Acquiring amethyst in Ancient Egypt was a tricky business. But the cut raw amethyst, the amethyst mines, and the people in the desert all needed to be guarded. As part […]
“The OPUMPA Project: Ancient Mineral Mining and Pigment Use in Stone Age Swaziland,” presented by Dr. Brandi L. MacDonald (Assistant Research Professor, The Archaeometry Laboratory at the University of Missouri […]
Dr. Kevin Dicus (University of Oregon) Roman imperial ambitions began with the occupation of Italy. The Etruscans, once the dominant civilization, experienced great cultural and political upheavals. Foreign traditions, goods, […]
Dr. Claire Novotny (Kenyon College) Graffiti provides a unique and informal perspective on the lived experiences and daily cultural practices of ancient people. In the ancient Maya culture, graffiti of […]
Dr. Lisa Anderson-Zhu (Walters Art Museum) will speak about "A New but Naughty 'Sam Wide Group' Kylix at the Walters Art Museum." Join via Zoom at the link below. The […]
Wilkie Lecture
The third century CE is arguably the most poorly understood period of the Roman Empire. Nonetheless, it is a critical time in World History, as it ushered in the transition […]