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“De-composing and Re-composing the ancient Egyptian body”

Dr. Tasha Dobbin-Bennett (Emory University Oxford College) will speak on "De-composing and Re-composing the ancient Egyptian body." Join via Zoom at the link below. The password, if prompted is “baltimore”.  

Unearthing A Slave Community

1455 Blvd. De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Over the next several years, we will be examining a number of different archaeological sites. What makes Montpelier a wonderful property for surveys and excavations is its relative undisturbed condition. […]

Visions of Ancient Egypt in Athenaeus’ Deipnosophistae

The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Near Eastern Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a virtual lecture by Dr. Carly Maris, […]