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Archaeology Day – Community Outreach

Cayo Welcome Center downtown, San Ignacio, Cayo, Belize

Galen University's Anthropology Club will celebrate International Archaeology Day at the Welcome Center in San Ignacio, Cayo, Belize. Students and community members are all invited to participate in the various activities where they will learn all about archaeology, including: Archaeological sites of Belize Artifacts from Belize Human Skeleton Maya Hieroglyphs What archaeologists 'do'

International Archaeology Day

Archaeological park near the Museum of Peja Pejë, Kosovo, Kosovo

Project with junior high school students "Young archaeologists," will do archaeological excavations (Simulation) in the archaeological park near the Museum of Peja.

International Archaeology Day

Museum of Peja Sheshi Haxhi Zeka 30000, Pejë, kosovo, Kosovo

The "International Day of Archaeology" was marked today in the Museum of Peja with the project "Young Archaeologists" authored by PhD. c. Sefer Lajqi - Archaeologist, Archaeological excavations (simulation). The participants were the students primary and secondary school of Asdreni Pejë

Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association Fall Symposium

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

The 18th Annual Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association Fall Symposium is being held in conjunction with the Midwest Archeology Conference at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee on October 19th, 2024. The Symposium featured a review of the Association's 2024 fieldwork and will include details of new historic shipwreck discoveries in the Great Lakes. Additionally, presentations […]

Conserve our Heritage

Nirgranth Centre of Archeology and BDJTSM, India jointly organise online seminar on the topic 'Conserve our Heritage ' on the occasion of International Archeology Day. Speaker Shri Rajkumar ji Sethi, Kolkata & Dr Yatish Jain, Jabalpur

Meadowcroft Workshop in archaeology

Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village 2729 401 Meadowcroft Road, Avella, United States

Archaeology Day Workshop | October 19th, 2024 | Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historic Village The theme for the 2024 Meadowcroft Workshop in Archaeology is best practices for managing and preserving small museum and private collections of both perishable and non-perishable material items for display and for long term curation. Information for individuals seeking to donate their […]

Open to Public: Archaeological Dig at the Barracks

Barracks 934 N. Jefferson St., Lewisburg, WV, United States

The public is invited to participate in archaeology at the Barracks for International Archaeology Day, October 19, 2024. Opportunities to help and observe are from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The City of Lewisburg and the Greenbrier Historical Society are sponsoring an archaeological survey of the Barracks property in Lewisburg  (934 N. Jefferson, intersection of […]

La Arquelogía y la evolución de los Mitos en Las Américas.

Parque Punta de Vacas Study Center Las Heras, Mendoza, Argentina

Se describirá en una Conferencia como aportó la Arqueología a comprender en parte la evolución de los Mitos en las Américas. Posteriormente se desarrollará un "Taller del Fuego" en Parque de Estudio y Reflexión Punta de Vacas.


Online Global Event , Pakistan
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Following the successful launch of our new annual event, ArchTalk, last year, we at the Save Cultural Heritage Group are excited to continue bringing together people from various disciplines and […]