October 11, 2013
Central Arizona: Apples + Archaeology
Through Apples + Archaeology, the Central Arizona Society places innovative educators from Arizona State University and Paradise Valley Community College in primary and secondary school classrooms to provide customized presentations.
Central Carolinas: Archaeology 101
Students will learn about material culture, the history of archaeology, physical anthropology, pottery, soils, pigments and paints, and archaeological ethics in Archaeology 101, a 7-week course organized by the Central Carolinas Society through DavidsonLearns, a new adult learning initiative in Davidson, North Carolina.
Denver: Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month
The Denver Society will co-Sponsor Colorado Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month (AHPM) in May. Society programs include hosting a table with educational activities and AIA information at the AHPM Preservation Fest and an archaeological open house at The Dry, a rural African-American homesteading community near Manzanola, Colorado.
Houston: It’s About Time
The Houston Society will host “It’s About Time,” a series of educational outreach events provided in connection with the Society’s “Ancient Encounters” program.
Los Angeles: Why Didn’t the Chumash Make Pottery?
The LA County Society will implement an eight-week after school enrichment course for students in grades 5, 6, and 7 entitled “The Production and Analysis of Handmade Ceramics: Why Didn’t the Chumash Make Pottery?”
Narragansett: AIA’s Young Archaeologists Day
The Narragansett Society will pilot a program to mentor local high school students interested in archaeology. The program includes an essay contest and a day-long Saturday event at Brown University’s Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World.
New York: The Next Generation Steps Up
The New York Society will print a special issue of their newsletter to publish the papers presented by local graduate students at the Society’s 2012 National Archaeology Day symposium. The newsletter is seen by over 400 members of the society.
Salem: National Archeology Day Celebration
The Salem Society received funding to provide workshops on archaeological methods, give specialist presentations, provide children’s activities, and host a movie screening for Archaeology Day 2013. As in 2012, the society will once again organize a conversation via Skype with French amateur archaeological organization ArkeoTopia.
South Carolina: Archeology in Film
The South Carolina Society will host “Archaeology in Film,” an event that will be co-sponsored by the student Archaeology Club of the College of Charleston in October 2013.
Staten Island: Community Outreach Initiative
The Staten Island Society received support to increase the visibility of their events among young professionals and students.
Tallahassee: Promotion for AIA Lectures
The Tallahassee Society received funding to promote and market their society’s events through a campaign on their local NPR affiliate station.
Tucson: Ancient Snacktacle
The delectable confections, created by society member and University of Arizona graduate in History and Classics, Rosalva Parada, are based on recipes from Classical Antiquity as well as on visual imagery, ingredients, scents, spices, and herbs pertinent to the region and time period being discussed in the lecture. Before the lecture, participants and audience members receive handouts that explain the relevance and design of the treats that they will be served at the conclusion of the talk. The sweet treats are conversation starters that engender a sense of community through the sharing of food. The Tucson Society plans to develop a booklet with recipes and information on how the project can be adapted and implemented by other AIA Local Societies.